Please note the sample model spinner is painted black but it shoul be Navy Blue the same colour with the fuselage.
The characteristic huge exhasuts, propellor blades, rockets and other detail parts are coming as whitemetal parts.
The kit main parts are vacu-formed plastics.
The fuselage mounts on the single piece main wing. The all parts fit very accurately. You will be surprised to find how little amount of filler you have used.
Span : 15.24m (50ft)
Length : 12.62m (41ft 5in)
Weght ( loaded) : 11,225kg (24,780lb)
Max speed : 813kmph (439knots)
Ceiling : 14,752m (48,400ft)
Only one Skyshark 125485 has survived, and is currently being restored.
This aircraft had been used for ground radar calibration tests with a Skyhawk nose attached. The nose and airintakes were re-panelled but differ slightly from the original.
The kit is of course designed for the original one, so the modeller needs to be aware of this. If you are lucky enough to see the surviving one you may find some odd panel lines.
If only the XT40 engine had shown such good reliability as the Armstrong-Siddeley Double Manba which was of a similar design and was successful with the Fairey Gannet, or Python with the Westland Wyvern, we could see this beefy and gorgeous Skyshark wherever the American fleet went.
Due to the development delay with the unsolved gear box troubles and successful development of the A4D Skyhawk, the Navy cancelled the order in 1952.
A total of only 12 Skysharks were built, including 2 prototypes. Only 8 of them had flown.
The development started in June 1945. The first flight was made on 26th May 1950.
The US Navy originally ordered 345 Skysharks, but the Allison XT40 turbine engine and its contra rotating gear box made a number of problems and caused serious accidents including a fatal one.
A2D Skyshark was designed as a successor of the AD Skyraider with greater performance of the turbine engine.
Due to the development delay with the unsolved gear box troubles and successful development of the A4D Skyhawk,