Keelung Bus |
The company was incorporated in March 1952 and was known as Taipei Motor Transport Co., Ltd. and it was changed to the name of juifang Motor Transport Co., Ltd. in June 1954. The company
was reorganized for the second time and renamed as Keelung Motor Transport Co., Ltd. in September 1957. The company has bus service provided centering on Keelung City including the area of Keelung City, Taipei City (Nankang, Sungshan, Kungjuan, Mucha, and Shihlin), and Taipei County (Panchiao, Sanchung, Chungho, Yungho, Tansui, Chinshan, Wanli, Yehliu, Juifang, Pingshi, Jofeng, Jin-Quar-Shih, Kung-Liao, and Fu-Lung). |
Keelung Bus