Expected to deposit in trust in us for the renewal of their vehicles Greetings.
Our prices range from 20,000 to 70,000 euros depending on make, model and year of vehicle.
Contact us through our e-mail to send you on that path all the information related to: Rates and characteristics of our vehicles and receive the same if any conditions to the transaction or
trading abroad.
Please let us know what your needs in transporting their passengers everyday, their preferences for brands or types of vehicles they would like to acquire.
We have a large stock of vehicles and unbeatable prices, all our stock vehicles are checked and in perfect working order.
We are a Spanish company dedicated to the sale of used commercial vehicles and exports of the same, to be based in Barcelona.
We are a Spanish company dedicated to the sale of used commercial vehicles and exports them.
We are a Spanish company dedicated to the sale of used commercial vehicles and exports them. |