- 16 passenger and 2 wheelchair stations or 20 all passenger
- A/C System: 70,000 BTU
- ADA: Braun Lift
- ADA: Tie Downs Retractable
- Audio/Visual: AM/FM with CD
- Chassis: Ford E450
- Doors: Manual Side Entry
- Electrical: 200 AMP Alternator
- Electrical: Center Mount Brake Light
- Electrical: Circuit Breakers
- Electrical: Door Activated Dome Light
- Electrical: Fast Idle
- Heating: 35,000 BTU
- Interior: Large Rear Window
- Interior: Rubber Floor with Ribbed Aisle
- Interior: White Standee Line
- Safety: Back Up Alarm
- Safety: Entrance Grab Rail
- Safety: Overhead Grab Rail
- Safety: Seat Belts
- Seating: Aisle Side Grab Handles
- Seating: Mid High Back
- Seating: Mid-High Double Fold a Way Flip
- Upholstery: Level 4