Dear Sir, We are manufacturer of luxury designer buses in India, We can cater all your organisational needs whether big or small. We manufacturer different types of bodies such as Luxury buses(A.C
& non A.C) mobile display vans, ambulances, and other utility vehicles.We also have capability to customised the vehicle according to your needs.We have been serving very big organisations such as
Spice Jet, ONGC, OIL, A.S.T.C, NEEPCO and many other such organisations. So sir we will be very proud to have business relationship with you and waiting for your valuable order to serve you, and in
the meanwhile if you need any query please don't hesitate to contact us by mail, fax. phone for more information visit: For Prakash Body Construction Company -Gurpreet Singh Sehmi
Cell:09435060352 Prakash Body Constructions Company (P) Ltd.N.H- 37 Khutikhatia, Nagaon . Assam . India Zip code-782002TELE: +91-3672-221114 - 220342- 220325FAX: +91-3672- 220342AN ISO
Dear Sir,
We are manufacturer of luxury designer buses in India,