The Aerolite is easily configured to not require a commercial driver's license. But don't let the name fool you. With dual rear wheels and excellent road stability, it's the perfect replacement for a standard passenger van.
As you would expect from the industry leader, ElDorado National offers the widest array of commercial buses in North America. With more than forty different bus models, ranging from ADA compliant
minivans to heavy-duty, 40 low-floor transit buses, they offer literally thousands of floorplans.
This wide range of commercial products allows ElDorado National to meet the specific needs of multiple market segments. From fixed route transit to airport shuttle to tour/charter, ElDorado
National has the right bus for your application.
The Aerolite is easily configured to not require a commercial driver's license. But don't let the name fool you.
The Aerolite is easily configured to not require a commercial driver's license. But don't let the name fool you. |