Anything over 50cc will require that you obtain a MOTORCYCLE endorsement and get the scooter tagged and insured. It is a very simple process. Go to your local DDS office and ask for the motorcycle manual, read up on it and then take the written portion of the test. This will get you on the road legally while you learn to ride. After you are comfortable on your bike, you can return to the DDS office within 6 months and finish by taking the riding portion.
As of right now, Georgia only requires a standard automobile Drivers license for operating the smaller 49cc scooters and you don't even need to get them tagged.
After that is decided, it just becomes a simple choice of style, color, storage options and probably price. (and with our great deals we'll even make that easy for you)
For longer trips to work or routes that take you on more traveled roads, a 150cc or larger bike will be needed. These scooters will have top speeds of 55-70 MPH and will be able to handle the typical speed limits found on most suburban commuter roads.
A 50cc motor, while the most efficient on gas, will typically run at top speeds from 30-35 MPH. This would be the ideal choice for an ERRAND machine; running the videos back to the rental store, going down to the neighborhood pool, or the quick trip to the grocery store for that one ingredient you forgot you needed for Sunday dinner.
Hyosung MS3 - 250