X-Treme's XB-420MElectric Bike is a 3 Wheel High-Power Mobility Scooter using a 1-piecemobility Electric motor / rear axle and differential unit. This E-Bikeruns on 4-20Amp batteries, and comes with a wheelie bar for the not soold drivers. At full power the XB-420M can get up to 15+ MPH, easilythe fastest mobility scooter on the market! And for those faint atheart a speed control unit can be used. Also included in a reversegear, arm rests and a stylish cargo rack. Extra storage under the seatas well. Our line of XB-420M's comes in a slick Black color. With therising gas prices these days Electric modes of transportation arebecoming an ever more affordable necessity versus traditionaltransportation.
X-Treme's XB-420M Electric Bike is a 3 Wheel High-Power Mobility Scooter using a 1-piece mobility Electric motor / rear axle and