Our custom designed Hot Dipped Galvanized Attachment Kits are ideal for rough water areas and can withstand heavy boat traffic. For fixed dock applications PVC or HDG Steel pipe can be used for installation. Please consult with your Slider Dock dealer for installation recommendations.
Hot Dipped Galvanized Attached Kit
Our low-density polyethylene attachment arm kits are custom designed exclusively for our Slider & Wheely Dock floats. This floating dock attachment is very simple to install. Our "SINGLE" Arm Attachment Kits are designed for side and front mount installation.
Durable Polyethylene Attachment Arm Attached Kit
The Slider Dock non-skid deck allows enough walk-around-room for easier watercraft maintenance such as cleaning, flushing, and refueling. This one-piece unit makes the Slider Dock a breeze to install. With the ease of installation and time saved putting your watercraft in and out of the water, the Slider Dock is a must have for all watercraft owners.
Slider Dock Watercraft Float
The Wheely Dock - Features an inline roller system for easier launching with an attachable bow stop. Other features include non-skid surface and walk-around-room for easier watercraft maintenance such as cleaning, flushing, and refueling. This easy launching port is ideal for individuals wanting effortless watercraft launching.
Wheely Dock Watercraft Float
The Slider Dock non-skid deck allows enough walk-around-room for easier watercraft maintenance such as cleaning, flushing,
The Slider Dock non-skid deck allows enough walk-around-room for easier watercraft maintenance such as cleaning, flushing, |