Description :
Engine Type: 3-Cylinder, 2-Stroke
Bore/Stroke: 84mm x 78mm
Displacement: 1297cc
Fuel: Regular Unleaded
Type of Intake: Reed Valve
Type of Scavenging: Loop-Charged
Type of Exhaust: Wet
Type of Lubrication: Variable Oil Injection
Cooling: Open-Looped, Water
Starting: Electric
Ignition: Digital
Compression Ratio: 5.9:1
Carburetor/Injection: EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection)
Ignition Timing: 18? BTDC
Spark Plug: NGK BR8ES-11
Pump: 155mm High-pressure Axial Flow
Transmission: Direct Drive From Engine
Impeller: 3-Blade, Stainless Steel
Length: 115.4 (2.93m)
Width: 45.3 (1.15m)
Height: 40.2 (1.02m)
Seat Length: 37.4/35 (.95m/.89m)
Dry Weight: 655 lb (306 kg)
Fuel Capacity: 15.9 gal (60 L)
Oil Capacity: 1.45 gal (5.5L)
Vehicle Capacity: 2 person/ 353 lb (160 kg)
Storage Capacity: 4.8 gal (18L)
Hull Material: Ultra-Lightweight SMC (Sheet Molded Compound)
Warranty: 1 year limited warranty
Color: Metallic Midnight Blue
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