Spec :
Engine Type 4-Cylinder, 4-Stroke
Bore/Stroke 86 x 78mm
Displacement 1812cc
Fuel Regular Unleaded
Type of Exhaust Wet
Type of Lubrication Wet Sump
Cooling Open-Looped, Water
Starting Electric
Ignition Direct Ignition
Compression Ratio 8.6:1
Carburetor/Injection Electronic Fuel Injection
Ignition Timing 20 BTDC
Spark Plug NGK LFR6A
Pump 155mm Axial Flow
Transmission Direct Drive from Engine
Impeller 3-Blade, Stainless Steel
Length 132.7 (3.37m)
Width 48.4 (1.23m)
Height 48.8 (1.24m)
Seat Length N/A
Dry Weight 827 lb (376 kg)
Fuel Capacity 18.5 gal (70 L)
Oil Capacity 1.1 gal (4.2 L)
Vehicle Capacity 3 person/ 529 lb (240 kg)
Storage Capacity 26.4 gal (100 L)
Hull Material NanoXcel
Warranty 1 year limited warranty
Brand New Jet Ski Watercraft