For price - contact us or representative in your country.
We deliver to any location in Europe.
Lead time - 50 days.
Pleasecontact us to receive further information on the standard specificationand layouts which can be varied to fulfil your requirements.
All the models in the range are builtto order by our craftsmen in consultation with you, in order to providethe boat you like.
Anon-conventional low draft options give the owner ability to exploreshallow waters with a cruising sail boat. Ergonomic arrangement of thecockpit is a typical continuation of the TES design.
TES 32 DREAMER - it is a sail boat for long, holiday cruises.
Very comfortable, stable and safe. Excellent choice for family voyages.
TES 32 DREAMER - it is a sailboat for long, holiday cruises.
Very comfortable, stable and safe.
TES 32 DREAMER - it is a sailboat for long, holiday cruises. Very comfortable, stable and safe. |