this Puffin model with a length of 37 feet, the spanker rigging of the sail and its old-like appearance from a distance when the double jibs are pushed gives an outstanding privilege to the users
of this boat.
Due to the width of the deck, the teakwood and the precise workmanship is prominent in this model, and the hatch covers on the deck ventilate the boat effectively and thus, prevent the moisture
odor. This model where electrical mobile centerboard can be used provides an extra comfort for the user.
In this boat consisting of 1 master, 1 aft lower cabin and a hall where 6 persons can comfortably lodge, the portable dinner table, the WC, large and functional kitchen and the navigational table
in the hall not only upgrades the standards of the boat, but also serve and appeal to the eye of the user.
The model has been built by PUFFIN
this Puffin model with a length of 37 feet, the spanker rigging of the sail and its old-like appearance from a distance