With the emphasis on accommodation space and amenities the Admiral 38 won't win many races, but she will provide extremely comfortable cruising, and that is what owners want to do.
On deck, everything is set up for short-handed sailing and the fact that some owners had hardly any sailing experience before moving aboard, is proof that she is easy to sail. The decks are flat and provide ample space for lounging. There is a double helm seat in the cockpit.
Since it clearly belongs in the luxury cruiser segment, the Admiral 38 exhibits all attributes one would expect from such a boat: outstanding craftsmanship, attention to detail and quality materials throughout. An attractive feel of high-end design and homeliness pervades. The stove is Italian, there a designated bottle storage cupboard, and everywhere are handy lockers (very well aired) to keep the usual clutter out of sight and the boat looking beautiful. Fans and air-conditioning come standard.
The Admiral 38 is an upgraded version of the Lavranos-designed "Nose B
Type: Luxury cruiser Multihull
type: Catamaran