The 2009 Bearcat is new. No, not refreshed andre-labeled as being new, but truly new. The 2009 Bearcat Z1 XT doesntsimply borrow the Twin Spar chassis design from Cats sporting group,but actually
amplifies it to maximize its utility. There are twotriangulated box-aluminum spars incorporated into the steering supportsand tunnel geometry. There is an added rigidity in its overallconstruction
gained by the use of tight self-piercing rivets. Thisadded strength and rigidity enhances the Bearcats towing capabilityand long lasting durability. After all, this sled isnt aimed at thegroomed
trail rider but at the go-anywhere riders needing to get workdone first, leaving a bit of play time after that work gets done.Ruggedness counts. Durability counts. Reliability is essential.
2009 Arctic Cat Bearcat Z1 XT Review