It is disigned for transporting pipes 57 to 420 mm in diameter, 8 to 12 m in length when come completed with swivel trailer, and pipes 530 to 1420 mm in diameter, 12 to 36 m in length when come
completed with a trailer with two fixed hammer braces. Transportation could be carried out both along oil and gas pipeline construction routes and all roads that permit traffic of vehicles with
axial load 8.5 tons. The pipe truck is equipped with hauling drag-bar drives, pneumatic and electric drives, and air brake system drives. Base vehicle KrAZ-6322(260) Carrying capacity, kg 19000
Specific output, W/kg 5,9 Average operating speed, km/h 15 Transportation speed, km/h 75 Operational weight, kg 18050 Full pipe truck weight, kg 37475 Overall dimensions under load, mm Lenght with
12 m pipes 17400 Lenght with 36 m pipes 41400 Width 2724 Height 3260 Wheel track 2160 Load height 1880 Ground clearanse 370
It is disigned for transporting pipes 57 to 420 mm in diameter, 8 to 12 m in length