MHD has been specifically designed to transport robots and heavy automation equipment along a linear track, to perform assembly operations in the automotive and heavy mechanical handling
industries. The system comprises four blocks running on a hardened and ground flat track, which in turn when fitted to an appropriate steel beam section will provide a system of unlimited length.
Suitable for high speed operation up to 6 m/s MHD has a block capacity of 5 tonnes, which will lend itself to many applications where high offset loads are seen in heavy automation applications,
where durability and long life is required. The track incorporates a rack drive allowing high driving forces to be applied to cover the wide range of load and speed requirements, which the system
has to operate under. Blocks are low maintenance with a high capacity taper roller bearing in the most heaviest loaded direction. Nominal track size 100mm x 40mm with or without spur or helical
gear drive Hardened and ground tracks in easy to manage 1.4m lengths, long lengths simply provided by butting Mod 5 Spur or Mod 4 helical gear option Blocks incorporate 3 rollers for guidance, top
roller under most load is high capacity taper roller bearing Ductile cast iron block for maximum rigidity, incorporates hardened steel end scrapers Felt wipers for track lubrication Removable lower
block bearing allows easy installation Options for block mounting Hardened pinion comes complete with locking bush