** Caterpillar Off High Way Truck
- Model : 769D
- Year : 2005
- Quantity : 4 units
- Working hour : each 4,500hrs
- Price : Each US$380,000 FOB Korea
Total US$1,520,000 FOB Korea
- Model : 769C
- Year : 1995
- Quantity : 1 unit
- Working hourr : 22,000hrs
- Price : US$130,000 FOB Korea
- Model : 769D
- Year : 1996
- Quantity : 1 unit
- Working hour : 20,000hrs
- Price : US$150,000 FOB Korea
* Engine output : 487HP
* Loading Capacity : 36ton
* Max. speed : 77kph
They have been serviced by Caterpillar Korea and if you buy these units, Caterpillar
will check and recondition them.
Justin Kim/Sales Manager
EVERDIGM (New Global Name of Hanwoo TNC)
Tel : +82-41-587-8400
Fax : +82-41-587-8998
Mobile : +82-16-343-5196
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