The New Way Cobra is the contractors choice with its outstanding compaction in a lightweight 20 yd? body. Add in the Cobras large 3 yd? hopper, available in 9 to 25 yd? capacities, a variety of
container handling options, and you'll understand why the Cobra is setting the standard in the industry.
Weight: 9,290-12,200 lbs.
Capacity: 9-25 yd?
Hopper Cycle Time: 26-30 sec.
Standard Equipment
* Semi Automatic Cycling
* Auto Back Pack
* Accelerator Kit
* Auto-Lock Tailgate
* Back Up Alarm
* All LED LIghts
* Hydraulic Tank Temperature Gauge
* Right Side Hydraulic Tank Access Port
* ICC Lights and Reflectors
* Sight Gauge on Oil Tank
* Oil Pressure Gauge
* Chrome Cylinders
* Side Access Door
* Driver Alert Buzzer
* Tailgate Ajar Indicator
* Light Bar
* Bolt on Steps on Rear
* Prime Paint
* Pump
* Rear Vision Camera System
Optional Equipment
* Special Lighting
* Finish Paint-Imron 5000
* Container Lifts
* Pack at idle
* Hopper Liners
* Magnum Steel Package
* Scale System
More information and specs available at
The New Way Cobra is the contractor's choice with its outstanding compaction in a lightweight 20 cu yd body.