JCB Articulated Dump TrucksOperating Weight:23.14 Tons - 35.7 TonsEngine Power:116kW (156hp) - 186kW (249hp)Go to the complete:JCB Articulated Dump Trucks Machine RangeJCB Robot Skid
SteersOperating Weight:160: 2410kg - 4400kg170: 2510kg - 4625kgOperating Capacity:160: 600kg - 900kg170: 700kg - 1020kgGo to the complete:JCB Robot Skid Steers Machine RangeJCB Telescopic
HandlersLift Height:4m - 17mLift Capacity:2000kg (4400 lbs) - 4100kg (9039 lbs)Go to the complete:JCB Telescopic Handlers Machine RangeJCB Tracked ExcavatorsEngine Power:67.2 kW (90 hp) - 260 kW
(350 hp)Operating Weight:12 tons - 52 tonsGo to the complete:JCB Tracked Excavators Machine RangeJCB Wheeled ExcavatorsEngine Power:70 kW (94 hp)- 103 kW (138 hp)Operating Weight:14,120kg -
25,450kgGGo to the complete:JCB Wheeled Excavators Machine RangeEngine Power:56kW (75 hp) - 161 kW (216 hp)Operating Weight:5082kg (11204lb) - 21809 kg (48089 lb)Go to the complete:If you want to
know more about the JCB Mining & Quarrying Industry, pls. go to the:JCB Mining & Quarrying Industry Web Page