AUMAN Xiongshi Cargo Truck1. Brand-new European-style design, adopting aerospace casting techniques, super width of 2490mm, large curves and streamlined patterns, low in wind resistance, better
performance in high-speed driving.2. New-generation cab, 2490mm in width, multi-directional adjustable full-floating damping aerospace seats, more spacious in front row, extra-long& extra-wide
sleepers in rear row, create comfortable conditions for the driver & passengers.3. Grand and luxury integral large-size ceiling lights, good ventilation capacity, sedan-style instrument panel,
interior decoration and short-handle operating system, along with high-ceiling double sleepers to create comfortable conditions for the driver & passengers.4. Various types of big-power engines
available to provide exceptional power platform and to improve overall effciency, optional power configurations meeting different requirements for transpotation of fuel, parts of industrial, coal
and raw materials, etc.
Cargo Truck