SPECIAL FEATURES Heavy duty steel construction 4' wide platform area Main support beams, 3" height to allow clearance for forks or fork lifts Variable speed ? HP D.C. drive for 0-60 rpm travel
speed. Guided by inverted angle iron track squared to the table. Maximum weight capacity is 10,000 lbs. SPECIFICATIONS: Range Custom built from 8'2" to 16'2" Height 50 3/16" @ 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 56
3/16" @ 2 x 8 and 2 x 12 Width 120" @ 8'2" 216" @ 16'2" Length 54" The Triad material bridge is designed to move along the wall panel at a predetermined speed set by the operator, allowing him to
place the material "on the fly". This will eliminate the majority of the walking.