Frest food is one of the most essentialist human need. So, the frozen transport has become an indispensable career of the social general development.In order to satisfy above need, our company
continuously research and study the new manufactured technology to make the truck-body with the hight quality. Typically, we have applied the composite material into the producing the frozen-box,
cold strorage and other products& Until now, the composite frozen box has become one of the typical product of our company.With QUYEN AUTO composite box, the goods always keep in the best condition
during the transport stage. Furthermore, internal sides of box have the straight waves which help the cold air blow over inside the box take to save the fuel and the temperature is stable.Our
guideline is Prestige Quality, directed forward the customers, technology department always survey and learn what the customers want and need in order to make the goods which is suitable with the
frozen box