In an industry dominated by large corporations, METC stands apart. Founded in 1976 , METC has fought the trend and remained independent. From our origins as a small retail tire store, METC has
grown into four stores located throughout the Atlanta area, over sixty employees, and diversified it services to include retreading, commercial and personal sales, and roadside service among
others. We have managed to separate ourselves from the competition by incorporating traditional business practices such as trust and loyalty with modern technology. Today METC uses the Marangoni
Ringtread System which offers customers a higher quality tire at a competitive price. We are constantly adapting ourselves to the changing market and new techniques. This foresight and innovation
is what has helped METC grow into what we are today and will shape what we will be tomorrow.
Our retreading process is made up of many steps. First, a tire is checked for injuries. If the tire requires repairs, they are made. If the tire cannot be repaired then it is unusable.
Next, the tire is placed in a buffer which completely removes all of its previous tread so that a new tread can be added. The machine uses precision optics and cutting tools to ensure a clean exact
finish which will make for a better, safer final product.
After the tire has been buffed a layer of pre-vulcanized rubber is added as an adhesive to the buffed area. When the tire is heated this rubber will meld the casing and the tread, creating one
solid unit.
The tire is then placed in a builder which automatically and evenly adds the tread to the tire casing, ensuring a perfect fit every time. The Marangoni builder adds a complete tread in the shape of
a ring to the casing, making the new tread as solid a fit on the tire as possible.
Once the new tread has been added to the casing it needs to be placed in a chamber where it is 'cooked' to ensure that the two bond to each other.