Product Description: 11R22. 5 and 295 80R 22. 5 Truck Tyres. Price: For 11R22. 5 US $180 Cost Insurance Freight any port (CIF) and 295 80R 22. 5 US $190 CIF any port by container loads only,
comprise of 266 units in each container. The tyres have been tested in Australia for 3 years, a reference is available if needed. 11r22. 5 tyres achieve 150, 000km to 180, 000km. Other tyre sizes
are also available a price will be sent once requested. Payment terms: After receiving Letter of Intent from your company payment terms will be negotiated.
Product Description: 11R22. 5 and 295 80R 22. 5 Truck Tyres.
Price: For 11R22. 5 US $180 Cost Insu