For over 40 years we've listened to the needs of our customers and incorporated their recommendations into our products, and that's exactly how we developed the
DYNAHAULER/MDC. The MDC is a real DOT favorite, as it can be easily outfitted with snow plows and/or spreaders. Its dump body (9', 10', 11' or 12') is custom engineered
for a medium duty chassis and comes with J&J's exclusive 50725, 15-ton hoist. Our standard package comes in either steel or aluminum and includes many ready-to-work features such as a 3/16"
structural tubing top rail (steel body), sideboards, a cab protector and more. Of course at J&J, we pay attention to quality and finished appearance as well. Look below for some of the
specifications of the DYNAHAULER/MDC dump body.
For over 40 years we've listened to the needs of our customers and incorporated their recommendations into our products
For over 40 years we've listened to the needs of our customers and incorporated their recommendations into our products |