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We are also pleased to inform you that we have reliable partners who are ready to offer you about New / Used Auto Spare Parts and Accessories for Japanese vehicles. Owing to make sure for the price and availability of them, please provide us as much detail as possible regarding your enquiry enable us to be informing you promptly and accurately.
We can ensure you all used automobiles materials are in Good Running Condition.
- Complete Lorry Body
- Front Clip
- Body Parts
- Half Cuts
- Transmission
Everyone advertises on half cuts or front clips, but P.H. Truck Parts Service Sdn. Bhd. goes one step further beyond that. We actually come to understand what our clients needs and requires first before we proceed in selling these parts to our customers. Not only that, each of our parts are closely inspected and checked thoroughly to ensure its quality and the finest available in the market.
Everyone advertises on half cuts or front clips, but P.H. Truck Parts Service Sdn. Bhd. goes one step further beyond that
Everyone advertises on half cuts or front clips, but P.H. Truck Parts Service Sdn. Bhd. goes one step further beyond that |