Our original first design." Specifically designed for small size commercial vehicle." Individual clip in lenses for easy replacement." 5 Year Warranty and ADR Approved." Hexagon pattern lens with
40cm of hardwired cable. Specifications " Multivolt 12-24 volt." Overall size 120 x 120 x 31mm." Current draw 8voltsStop 0.33AmpsTail 0.04AmpsInd 0.31Amps,Rev 0.29Amps.BSTIM & CSTIMStop
0.27AmpsTail 0.04AmpsInd 0.18Amps." AM ADR 6/00 Cat2 CRN 33098." RM ADR 49/00 CRN 33059." WM ADR 1/00 CRN 35797." STIM ADR 49/00, 6/00 Cat2CRN 35781, 35782 & 35783." Mounting instructions refer ADR
13/00./ Lamp Removal Guide Part Legends 100 - Size of lampC - ChromeA - Amber LedR - Red LedW - White LedM - MultivoltB - Black BaseB - Bulk at end of part no Packing Availability: Blister
Pack,Bulk Approval's: ADR Approved,ECE compliant