Japanese H available model:
FS630, P09C, EF750, EF550, EV700, EK100, EP100, P11C, K13C, K13D, F17C, F17D, F17E, F20D.
Japanese UD available model:
L6, CW520, CW54, CW53, CW52, PE6, PF6 NF6, RD8, RE8, RF8, RG8, RH8, RE10, RF10, RG10, RH10.
We are selling parts in:
Engine, power pack, front cut, transmission, axle, boggie, double axle, spring cabin and many more. . .
We also doing export to other countries like Pakistan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Dubai and so on. . .
Japanese H available model:
FS630, P09C, EF750, EF550, EV700, EK100, EP100, P11C, K13C, K13D, F17
truck parts
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