GRAFFITI GRAPHICSYour #1 Source for Promotional Products and Advertising Specialties!Graffiti Graphicshas over 800,000 ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES! We offer T Shirt Printing, logo golf balls, custom
coffee mugs, custom lanyards, custom calendars, custom lapel pins, custom balloons, custom magnets, and MORE! Whatever advertising specialties you offer, they are all designed with the same thing
in mind - to both increase awareness and increase your business! Advertising Specialties are used to remind, reward and inspire employees, customers and prospects!One company that offers
promotional mugs has an imprint that changes on the mug when a hot liquid such as coffee or tea is added! Another custom coffee mug is stainless steel and has a handle with a built-in caribinier!
It holds your keys or whatever else you want to clip on it! (ASI 40261)One of our clients was hosting a large convention and wanted to give an advertising specialty that would be useful and
remembered. They gave each of the attendees a logo wall clock with their company logo on it! Everyone loved them and, even though it was not an expensive item (under $8.00 each) it had a "high
perceived value"!Graffiti Graphicsoffers t shirt screen printing, banner printing and over 800,000 other advertising specialties! We also offer great customer service and great prices!Whatever your
promotion or budget,Graffiti Graphicswould like to make you another one of our satisfied customers!Check out all of the different advertising specialties we offer by going to our product search -
right now!!.........there you will find all types of promotional marketing ideas...........we even offer custom logo design where we design a custom logo especially for your organization or
business!Remember - Promotional Items leave aLASTING IMPRESSION!