Or you can cover it in our fire retardant fabric throw for $15.00 ea to match our table cover colors
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So handy and simple- it's a display dreamFast and easy to set up and take down -tools never neededShelves and sides interlockBack support bar keeps everything tight and sturdyTop shelf secured with
pinsMade from high-quality 1/2" birch plywood with a fine-sanded finish ready for painting or finishing or just a simple coat of laquer. $79.50 plus s&h.
Arrange your merchandise at eye level.
try greeting cards greetings cards to get through more products
Unit is 36" wide, 22 1/2" tall and 22 1/2" front to back!
Unit is 36" wide, 22 1/2" tall and 22 1/2" front to back! |