The all new MiniLink CMX+ Long Range Imager,DynaTrack, has set up a new standard as the best costperformanceratio solution for Aim-and-Shoot data captureapplication. Equipped with the innovative
DynaTrack (patentpending) system, the MiniLink CMX+ automatically capturesthe best possible bar code image through intensive controlsamong the illumination, image capture, and image
processingsystems. Advanced optical design gives bright and sharpaiming line, just like laser beam. This has actually brought theMiniLink CMX+ DynaTrack into the application territoryused to be
considered for laser scanner only! The famousNeuroFuzzy decoding platform is now further enhanced by theDynaTrack system to give snappy and accurate readings onvarious real world bar codes, i.e.
poor printing contrast orquality. All these have made the new MiniLink CMX+DynaTrack series the best performer among its class.