Thuraya handheld terminal (dual mode GSM/Satellite) Coverage area spanning the Indian Subcontinent, Central Asia, the Middle East, North and Central Africa and Europe.Specifications:Size &
weightSimilar in size, weight and features to the GSM terminal.Location determination Location determination capability using GPS with an accuracy of 100m.GSM StandardGSM Standard equivalent
Encryption Algorithm in Thuraya mode.Sim card3V and 3/5V Plug-in SIM card compatible with GSM.AntennaQuadrifilar Helix L-band Antenna.BatteryLi-Ion Batttery with capacity 650 & 1200mAh.Talk
TimeTalk Time in the Satellite mode is 2.4 hours using the 650mAh battery and 4.5 hours using 1200Ah battery.Standby timeStandby time in the Satellite mode is 34.1 hours using the 650mAh battery
and 63 hours using the 1200 mAh battery.Serial portSerial port PC interface.Terminal Input Voltage7.2 to 8.4VdcMechanical vibration200-2000 Hz, 0.3 m2/s3Unpackaged Drop0.5m on concrete