This cash register is state-of-the art solution for billing system of any kind. It is based on "All in One" idea so it has all the cost-saving benefits for the owner.Thanks to the advanced
technology built-in, it provides a highest possible efficiency and reliability in work. It can be delivered in basic version or with advanced upgrades that turns this device into superior
workstation.Optional GPRS alowes remote administration, remote database update, cash flow control etc.General features:" Power supply AC220V" Robust plastic housing" Dimensions (WxDxH): 310 x 280 x
112 mmMajor features:" 32 bit CPU" 32.000 articles" 2500 daily reports" Up to 34 characters into article's name" Max. value per account 11+2 digits" Max. Price: 21.000.000,00" 200 items per
account" PLU code" PLU barcode up to 20 digits (EAN 8, EAN 13)Printer:" Powered by "APS" - Italy" Thermal line printing" Resolution 203 dpi" Printing speed 40 row/s or 80 mm/s" Auto cutter" Paper
width 38 + 38 mmInterfaces:" RS232 from 9.600 to 115.200 bps" Cashier display 2x24 characters" Customer display 24 characters" Optional USB 2.0" Optional LAN" Cherry keyboard" Drawer connector"
Integrated GPRS (optional)