Cutomised POS: Every retailer needs a POS which is totally dependend on the type of the retailer. POS plays a very critical role in every retail outlet. Salesmen are having
lesser time to use computer applications nowadays. Some retailers needs the cutomer information for thier rewards/loyality programs, so the cutomer informations are also critical, and some
retailers will issue on-the-spot membership cards, which is linked to the POS.
Customised data solutions: The critical part of a retailer is the data the retailer collects from thir sales and customers information. Every retail industry needs a typical
type of data and optimisations, which is based on the type of the industry, and at the end the data may be transferred to their HQ, and some will be integrated wit their existing ERP solution
and/or with the supply chain solutions. Pananda is having expertise in providing such custom solutions.
Every retailer needs a POS which is totally dependend on the type of the retailer. POS plays a very critical role in every retai