- Product price can be set accordingly by different branches.
- Simple and Easy sales control for seasonal products.
- Customers / Members can check their earning points in different branches.
- New products and prices are fully control by Headquarter.
- Up to 30,000 and above products inventory.
- Save your man power and focus on sales.
- Reduce transaction fraud.
- Easy access on sales account statements and stock inventory by person incharge.
- Stable database and prevent data lost.
- Integrated Accounting , Inventory and POS ( Point of Sales).
Suitable for
- Minimarket
- Mobile phone and accessories shop
- Pharmacy
- Garment retailer and wholesaler
- Boutique and foot wear shop
- Optical shop
- Souvenir shop
- Photo studio
- Accessories shop
- Multi branches company and selling barcoded items
Accounting, Inventory and POS integrated system cater for Multi Outlets or Multi Branches Trading or Retail company.