80MM Long CCD Barcode Scanner
MS630CCD scanners offers value and control for easy, accurate scanning inmany types of applications. With 80mm long, this scanners can readsmall and long barcodes and symbols at very close range,
eliminatingmis-reads of nearby labels. When accurate, close-range scanning is amust, MS630 is the perfect scanner for the job.
Accuratescanning, reliability, and low cost. MS630 scanner puts moreproductivity into checkout lines, shop floors, and documentationcenters, by accelerating processes and eliminating scanning
errors.Especially when barcodes are printed closely or poorly. And it'sdesigned for laser-free safety and comfort, while being ruggedenoughfor the harshest environments.
Perfect scanner for POS system, Office, library, School, and Retail.
Light source: LED, wavelength 650nm
Image sensor: CCD
Scan rate: 100scans/sec
Resolution (pcs0.9): 0.10mm (4mil)
Bit error rate: 1/1million
Depth of field: 0-33mm
Scan Angle: 0
Low Cost Realiable Barcode Scanner. ISO9001:2001. Perfect for POS, Retail, Office.