- Delivery |
- Stadium & Arena Sales |
- Restaurant & Food Services |
- Contractors & Consultants
- Audio/Video Installers
- Retail
- Limousine & Taxi |
- Mobile Vendors |
- Fairs & Markets |
- Traveling Sales People |
- Conventions / Exhibitions |
- Golf and Tennis Venues |
- Outdoor Entertainment |
The First Data Independent Sales Agent Program is operated by Cardservice International, Inc. Cardservice International, doing business as First Data Independent Sales (FDIS), is a registered ISO/MSP for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA, an FDIC insured bank. American Express? requires separate approval. FDIS Ventura County is an Independent Agent Office of Cardservice International.
The NURIT 8000 is a flexible, lightweight, handheld terminal that enables fast, secure, error-free transactions for on-the-go merchants. The sophisticated multi-application platform supports a
range of payment & value-added services - including credit, debit, T&E, EBT, smart cards, prepaid, loyalty, gift & proprietary cards - as well as business management solutions such as
inventory control, dispatch, delivery, etc. The unit supports a variety of cellular networks, including GSM/GPRS, Mobitex, CDPD, DataTac, and CDMA. The terminal includes an easy-to-load thermal
printer, a touch screen, built-in PIN Pad, and EMV smart card reader.
The NURIT 8000 is a flexible, lightweight, handheld
The NURIT 8000 is a flexible, lightweight, handheld |