Solution for Easy Credit Cards Payments
Credit Card payment collection channels used by Banks in the region are direct debit, ATMs, Internet, Phone banking, and Bank Teller.
Our research shows that customers:
Prefer to pay cash in certain countries/regions
Want flexibility to pay any amount between minimum payment and full outstanding
Dont have a deposit account in the same bank which issued them the credit card
Have less comfort level for depositing envelops with Cheque or cash without a confirmed acknowledgement from the bank.
Teller service is the most expensive and time consuming for banks. Banks want to avoid expensive Branch Teller service and prefer collecting payment through low-cost automated channels.
We have combined the comfort level of the Teller Service and the advantage of an automated processing into a state-of-art solution, built on secure and proven technologies.
EPRA enables credit card holders to pay their credit card bills at places like petrol stations and super markets, just like they pay the shopping bill using the credit card. They can choose to pay
by cash, cheque, or even initiate direct debit for any amount they want to pay.
We have developed an end-to-end solution configured in a standard package, which can be implemented in four to six weeks. Following are its main features:
Easy collection of credit card dues
Use of convenient outlets
o Petrol Station
o Supermarket
o Mobile Collection Units
Accurate inputs
o Avoid human errors
Choice of Cash or Cheque
Secure transaction processing
o PKI with 128 bit encryption
On Demand Upload to Bank Credit Card System
Cibco's EPRA is an end-to-end solution, utilizing state-of-the art technologies, to provide easy payment options to customers, for bank Services
EPRA leverages the benefits of mature technologies such as credit cards/ Smart cards, point of payment Devices and Enterprise Servers
EPRA supports PKI
EPRA is platform independent
Solution for Easy Credit Cards Payments