You'll quickly find the sophisticated TEC MA-1450 virtually invaluable in running your business more efficiently and more profitably. It is an intelligent, stand-alone system that stores its own data for reporting and/or transmission to a personal computer. It can be programmed quickly and easily, making it simple to tailor it to the exact needs of your business. The MA-1450 offers outstanding speed, accuracy and versatility, yet it is surprisingly affordable. Its comfortable ergonomic design and ease of use will make it popular with your cashiers, while its wide range of capabilities and controls will make it essential in your daily store operations.
The new TEC MA-1450 is a standout in accurate, intelligent and affordable stand-alone ECRs.
TEC MA-1450
pos machine
The new TEC MA-1450 is a standout in accurate, intelligent and affordable stand-alone ECRs.
pos machine The new TEC MA-1450 is a standout in accurate, intelligent and affordable stand-alone ECRs. |