Metrologic MS3580 Quantum T Stationary "Hands Free" Scanner$269.00
Part# MK3580-31A38
Metrologic MS3580 Quantum T Scanner
Specs: USB(PC), Black, Direct Cconnect (no cable needed), Omni and Single Line, WT.BSE
QuantumT TM is the smallest and fastest scanner in a successful line of Metrologic multi-mode countertop scanners.
Ideal for presentation scanning in moderate volume retail environments such as convenience stores, liquor stores and pharmacies, end users can individually customize the scan pattern and operate
the scanner in either a hand-held or hands-free fashion. In addition, its rugged, rubber housing provides the necessary protection against daily operational use. QuantumT, with an
industry-leading 1,650 scans/second, provides aggressive first-pass scanning, reducing the time it takes to scan products, increasing customer satisfaction and employee efficiency. The
single-line scan feature, enabled by the push of a button, saves time and reduces unwanted scans on menu-style codes by providing targeted scanning through Metrologic's patented Codegate
technology. Hand-held operation ensures easy scanning of larger, bulkier products that cannot be easily presented to stationary scanners. QuantumT can be positioned at the user's convenience;
mounted to a wall or countertop, atop one of four optional stands, or free standing for easy hand-held use. Other key features include Metrologic's patented IR activation mode, user-replaceable
Powerlink cables and Flash memory. QuantumT is an integral part of Metrologic's new line of omnidirectional bar code scanners that are "Powered by Metrologic's QuantumETM Scan Engine."