Table Management System:
This system allows each separate transaction to be stored temporarily and picked up for additional orders. This is often used in restaurants for customers to add desserts, coffee and drinks to
their original order without having to pay separately each time.
Clerk Interrupt System:
Different operators can use LX-5600 for a sales transaction while other sales transactions are underway on the same ECR. Each operator registrations are stored under that particular operator so
when they log on again they are able to resume registrations.
Labor Management:
Easily manage each clerk time & attendance record. (Option)
ESF (Electronic Store & Forward):
Transactions and operations made on the ECR are recorded in memory and printed out. (Option)
4 Arrangement Keys:
Enable a user to perform a commonly used sequence of key presses by using just one key. One Arrangement key can provide up to 50 key steps.
PLU/Group sales per Clerk:
Easy to find which clerk sold a pre-selected list of 20 products the most. With this feature, each clerk is motivated to sell more of those products.
Media & Preset tender:
25 media keys & 10 Preset tender keys such as $10, $20, $50, $100 available.
LX-5600 featuring bright and wide viewing angle LCD screen offers brilliant usability by guiding you through easy, accurate and complete product set-up of description, price, stock control, and
other related information. All items throughout the sales transaction can be viewed by scrolling function, and any sales corrections swiftly made. Standard interface allows communication with
other terminals, kitchen/slip printers, PC, scanner, cash less payment system, etc. Many peripherals can be linked to create a desirable System Configuration. The LX-5600 offers the ideal
solution to numerous business sectors such as pub, bar, restaurant, caf? and retail store with feature-rich firmware.
LX 5600 Firmware 05 Major Features This 05 series is a POS terminal for retail (scanning) market, grocery convenient stores, variety, specialty, supermarkets, etc.
LCD display (21 digits, 8 lines) with scroll functions
Scanning system with 18 digits random PLU code having 22 digits PLU name
Standard 2026 PLUs, Max. 56076 PLUs (option)
User friendly PLU programming in R & SP positions
Bottle deposit / bottle return function by using 341 R. PLU (Recyclable PLU)
300 quantity discount tables for mix and match, multi-buy registrations, etc.
Store / Vendor Coupon function
99 cashiers with its own full transaction memory
2048 amount tracks and external amount track function
one store memory for saving all contents of the current transaction
1024 customer files make records of telephone number or VAT number, name and address - these information are issued on receipts for delivery service market, etc. (optional 1st RAM board
3 age limitation tables - item linked to age limitation table can be sold when entered customer's birthday is over the programmed limit
25 media keys + 10 preset tender keys
Euro currency system
10 arrangement keys (50 key steps)
Scroll Void
Transaction Void
Bar code printed on receipt
Easy-to-See total discount amount on receipt
15887 ESF records (optional 1st RAM board required)
IRC (Inter Register Communication)
Up to 32 units including an ECR master or PC as IRC master (Tensai2000) via NA-720
Flash reports and flash downloading
8 slip printers TP-620/822/832, CBM-1000 via NA-710/730
PC batch communication, programming loader module PLM 2000
LX 5600 Firmware 03 Major Features
LCD display (21 digits, 8 lines) with scroll functions
High speed thermal printer with Clamshell mechanism
Scanning system with 14 digits random PLU code having 22 digits PLU descriptor
Standard 780 PLUs, Max. 34068 PLUs (option)
98 group-As with stock control, 25 group-Bs and 10 main group-As
64 clerks with its own full transaction memory
Clerk interrupt system including IRC floating clerk
Clerk time & attendance - 3780 records (option)
Clerk report with specified 20 PLUs or 20 group-As sales data or optional 1000 PLUs
Clerk iButton (option)
Customer bill buffer records check-out bill contents excluding PLU contents (option)
1024 customer files make records of telephone number or VAT number, name and address these information are issued on the bills for delivery service market, etc. (option)
Item track system and amount track system (option) including IRC floating tracks
Scroll Void
Transaction Void
Item Transfer to an Item Track
Simple Condiment PLU
Euro Currency System
Tray Subtotal Tendering
ESF buffer print with max. 7943 records of ESF memory (option)
Ticketing Function
25 Media Keys + 10 Preset Tender Keys
10 Arrangement Keys (50 key steps)
Card functions - Clerk sign on by card, Arrangement card, Amount track card, Adjustment card, Card payment including real-time card verification with a PC via IRC line
PC Batch Communication, Programming Module PLM 2000
IRC (Inter Register Communication)
32 ECRs
flash reports and flash downloading from PC as IRC master (Tensai2000)
floating clerk, floating track
8 kitchen printers TP-822/832, CBM-1000 via NA-710/730
8 slip printers TP-620, one of KP can be used as slip printer
PC communications with Tensai2000
Scale link
LX 5600 Firmware 02 Major Features This ECR is Hospitality POS terminals for Restaurants, Bars / Pubs and Quick Service having a lot of functions like scanning system, clerk interrupt
system and Inter Register Communication, and so on as follows
LCD display (21 digits, 8 lines) with scroll functions
Scanning system with 14 digits random PLU code having 22 digits PLU descriptor
Standard 877 PLUs, Max. 12319 PLUs
64 group-As, 25 group-Bs and 10 main group-As
32 clerks with its own full transaction memory
Clerk time & attendance - 3780 records (option)
Clerk report with specified 20 PLUs or 20 group-As sales data
Clerk interrupt system or Simple Item Track System - 50 item tracks
Customer bill buffer records check-out bill contents excluding PLU contents (option)
Scroll Void
Transaction Void
Item Transfer
Simple Condiment PLU
Euro Currency System
Tray Subtotal Tendering
ESF buffer print with max. 7943 records of ESF memory (option)
Ticketing Function
25 Media Keys + 10 Preset Tender Keys
4 Arrangement Keys (50 key steps)
PC Batch Communication, Programming Module PLM 2000
IRC (Inter Register Communication)
8 ECRs
4 kitchen printers TP-822/832, CBM-1000 via NA-710/730