Metrologic's MS6720 is the first Laser Bar Code Scanner to truly bridge the gap between omni-directional fixed projection and hand-held Scanners. It incorporates fixed projection performance and
patented 20-line scan pattern into the comfortable ergonomic styling of the popular hand-helds. With this design Metrologic has engineered a Scanner that transcends any other on the market today.
The MS6720 utilizes a unique patented infrared sensor and control scheme for hands-free projection scanning and fatigue reduced hand-held operation. Whether operators choose to present small items
to the Scanner or transport the lightweight Scanner to bulkier items the MS6720 is the perfect choice for many applications. Included with the MS6720 Scanner is a stationary stand which is ideal
for applications where the MS6720 is being used mostly as a hand-held Scanner. This stand was designed for ease of use while still providing sufficient room for fixed presentation. An optional
adjustable stand is also available and provides 7 rotational and 9 tilting positions as well as a removable wall mount cup. The MS6720 features both short-range and long-range activation
user-friendly programming reliability and versatility. Operators are sure to appreciate the convenience and flexibility of the MS6720.
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Metrologic's MS6720 is the first Laser Bar Code Scanner to truly bridge the gap
Metrologic's MS6720 is the first Laser Bar Code Scanner to truly bridge the gap |