Key Benefits
Easy to use
High speed weighing: 20 updates a second
30 lb, 60 lb, or 150 lb capacities
1/3000, 1/6000, & 1/7500 Resolution NTEP
1/30,000 ~ 1/120,000 Non-NTEP
Extra Large LED Displays
Low-Profile Design
Pound, Ounce, Kilograms, Grams (NTEP)
Built-In RS-232 Port
USB Connection (via Adapter Cable)
Great for Warehouse, Shipping, Receiving, Supermarkets, Restaurants, and more!
Fast reliable AC operated Point of Sale scale, Check Stand / Checkweigher features, extra large LED Displays, Front & Side displays standard, warehouse, shipping, receiving, chceckout stand, & high volume operations!
Great for Warehouse, Shipping, Receiving, Supermarkets, Restaurants, and more!
Great for Warehouse, Shipping, Receiving, Supermarkets, Restaurants, and more! |