How do I know which one fits my needs?
Control Solutions' bar code verification services improve productivity by ensuring codes have high first read rates. We will test your printed bar code symbols for quality to ANSI/CEN/ISO standards
and offer an analysis of the verification with recommendations based upon your printing methodology. Email us or call 1 888-400-SCAN for a submission form and pricing for testing services.
What brands of verifiers does Control Solutions offer?
We sell and service the best verification systems in the industry Axicon, RJS, Honeywell Scanning & Mobility and Microscan.
Why buy a bar code verifier from Control Solutions?
It's all about experience. Control Solutions has been selling and supporting bar code verifiers for more than two decades. We have installed countless print quality control systems. Our knowledge
and support of verification equipment is one of the best in the industry. We can train users to properly install and interrupt verification analysis.
Why use a bar code verifier?
Without verification, bar codes entering the automatic data collection system run the risk of not scanning efficiently (or not scanning at all) or may be read with substitution errors, which would
cause bad data to be entered into the system. A point to recognize and remember scanners are NOT verifiers. Scanners are designed to read and collect data. Verifiers are a quality control
instrument to prove print quality and enhance first read rates.
Control Solutions, Inc. provides a full line of verification systems for maintaining a high level of print quality control for printed bar code images. Verifier systems range from PC-based to battery operated portable units to online verifiers for thermal transfer printing systems to bench validation systems for all linear and two dimensional codes.
Control Solutions, Inc. provides a full line of verification systems for maintaining a high level of print quality
Control Solutions, Inc. provides a full line of verification systems for maintaining a high level of print quality |