Radiant Model P704F000
The color Digital Video Order Confirmation Display (dvOCD) provides the ability for customers to view their orders as they are entered into the Point-of-Sale, resulting in increased order accuracy.
Additionally, the Order Confirmation Display can be used as an advertising medium, allowing clients to display specials and promotions to the customer at the time of purchase. Full motion video can
attract customers and display promotions.
Feature of the Order Confirmation Display include a high bright, wide viewing angle, and long life LCD panel. The device is powered by the direct digital video interface from the POS terminal,
which provides a cost effective, high value solution. The solid-state, dedicated design results in high reliability and excellent supportability.
DVI stands for Digital Visual Interface. DVI is a multi-pin connection used for carrying , high-speed, high-definition video signals. The OCD uses a DVI-D, digital only connector, found in most
home video gear. It connects to most POS terminals using the DVI-I port which supports both digital and analog [RGB].
Model P704 Features and Benefits
Multi-Line Display
Allows customers to confirm their orders and monitor the cash tendering process, thereby improving order accuracy and customer satisfaction.
Graphics Capabilities
Supports full motion video, logos, promotions, up-sale suggestions, and advertising can be displayed when the unit is idle.
Screen Brightness
Commands attention to the screen as customers