As a combination of good points and outstanding functions compared with other models of Uniwell brand, SX7500-03 is outstanding with LCD VGA 5,7 inches screen, thermal printing technology with high speed printing 21,5 lines/sec, 80mm wide paper size. Besides, SX7500-03 is favoured by function of automatically transferring price level, menu according to preset time or areas, 500 table management. In addition, SX7500-03 also supports 110 LOOK-UP keys, each key is connected with 40 PLUs, which helps clerks with easy and quick operation. Especially, SX7500-03 has the function of checking clerks time-in, time-out and atendance closely according to preset time applied for specific job, managing debts closely which means listing debts in details like customer diary.
ECR SX-7500-03