The VeriFone Vx570 is the replacement for the popular VeriFone Omni 3750. The Vx570 is fully PCI-PED certified so that it is fully compliant with the most recent security standards. This is the 6
MB Dual Comm model which means that it can either process via a standard dialup phone line or connected to your router box via a standard ethernet cable for super fast IP transactions. The white
backlit screen makes the terminal display easy to read even in low lit environments.
The VeriFone Vx570 is supported on all of the major credit card networks as well as most of the gift and loyalty card processors. It supports a whole host of other popular applications including
prepaid cards, debit, EBT, and more. There is a built in thermal printer so you never have to purchase ribbons and the drop in paper loading makes changing the paper a snap.