8.4" TFT LCD Industry-Grade Touch Panel PC ' 800 x 600 Resolution with 256K colors ' Waterproof and Dustproof Panel Complying to IP65, NEMA 4 ' AMD LX-800, 500 MHz, Ultra Low Power Processor ' AMD
CS-5536 South Bridge Chipset ' DDR SODIMM memory maximum up to 1GB w/o ECC ' Built-in PCI-FE LAN ' Supports Mini-PCI 802.11 b/g/n Wireless LAN Module (Optional) ' Supports 5 Resistor Type Touch
Screen ' 1 Mini-PCI Expansion Slot ' 1 PCI-104 Expansion SlotDimension: ' 260 (W) x 69.6 (D) x 54 (H) mm Ethernet: ' 2 ports of PCI I/F FE LAN ' Supports MIDX Media Auto Reverse Function ' Supports
Boot from LAN Function Batt. Back-Up SRAM, Real Time Clock RAM: ' 256K Bytes CMOS RAM Built-In ICH-4 Chipset ' Backup by Non-Rechargeable Lithium Cell Battery Power Supply: ' DC Input 9 - 36V Wide
Range Power Supply Environment: ' Operation temperature: -10 to 50 degree centigrade ' Storage temperature: -20 to 80 degree centigrade Certification: ' CE Class A ' FCC Class A