Ourturnover was USD 3.5 mn in 2005 which will touch USD 10 mn mark in2008. We have passed CT-PAT audit of USA customs and also going for ISOcertification.
We are a 100% export oriented unit and grown as biggest manufacturerand exporter from India in our product category and exporting TissueWraps, Gift Boxes, Paper Bags & Gift Wrapping Rolls to Big Lots,Michaels, Sam's Club and BJ's etc.
We are a professionally managed concern working with the only mottoof serving our clients with high quality printing solutions atcompetitive price. Our impeccable quality is trusted by many reputedcorporate houses.
We basically play a catalyst role in conveying the coined messagesof the customer to its buying target. The company specializes inPrinting of Posters, Brochures, Paper Bags, Gift Boxes, Gift Wraps,Greeting Cards, BOPP & Holographic Pouches. Screen Printing (HalfTone Color) for Human Size Cutouts, Kiosks, Foam Banners etc.
Powered with latest innovative technologies and well trained workforce,we at, A R Printing & Packaging, introduces ourselves as mostmodernized Printing House offering plethora of printing services to ourclients.
Paper Posters
Place of Origin: | Gujarat India |